Places of interest

The Cathedral

Emblematic sites

The Square designed in the mid-nineteenth century, it has undergone several renovations, most recently in 2000. It highlights the monumental facade of the cathedral fortress which presides from the sixteenth century, with its Renaissance main entrance.

The commencment of the building of the Cathedral was in 1524, after the earthquake in 1522 destroyed the first, which was located in the Medina, on the site of the old mosque. Its main feature was to be cathedral-fortress, because it was built for both religious worship and to shelter the population from attacks by Barbary pirates. This is seen in its main facade: use of large buttresses and towers at the corners, solid walls and concentrated decoration on its main entrance, where campean the shield of Carlos I of Spain and V of Germany, and the Bishop founder of the cathedral, Fray Diego Fernandez de Villalán. The side of the street Velázquez, and so-called “pardons” the door is the same as the main one, although simpler Renaissance style decor.

Inside, with lounge floor, and late Gothic structure, highlight the vestry and choir stalls, Renaissance works built by Juan de Orea, and Trascoro and the Cloister, neoclassic late eighteenth century. The Cloister, commissioned by J. Antonio Munar after the death of Ventura Rodríguez (author of the choir and tabernacle), is the best neoclassic cloister of the Spanish cathedrals. The Higher Altar, remodeled in the eighteenth century prescides over the temple or tabernacle, and at its front an altarpiece where are paintings with scenes from the life of the Virgin and two ancient reliefs of the 1600s in the centre: The Annunciation of Christ and Calvary. Its most outstanding chapels are in the aisles behind the altar: San Indalecio, El Cristo de la Listen and Our Lady of Mercy.

In the square in front of the facade of the cathedral Episcopal el Palacio stands, from the nineteenth century. In Cube Street in one of the towers of the cathedral the emblem of the city is located, belonging to the chapel of Santo Cristo de la Eschuca, characteristic of Sol de Portocarrero, .


Address: Plaza de la Catedral, s/n. 04001 Almería. Visitas turísticas: C/ Velázquez, a espaldas de la Catedral.
Phone: 950 234 848

Catedral de Almería
Catedral de Almería
Catedral de Almería
Catedral de Almería
Catedral de Almería
